
Seeded Network

Lending & Borrowing Protocol on Solana

My Role

Creative & Product Designer — Brand Design, Prototyping, Visuals, Design Thinking, Product Mechanics.


1 Project Lead
1 Rust Developer
1 Marketing Manager
1 Advisor
1 Product Designer (Me)


As the Lead Product Designer and Creative Director, I was responsible for not only shaping the visual identity of Seeded Network but also ensuring that the product met the needs of its users.

My role extended beyond design, involving close collaboration with developers on smart contract creation, designing the NFT staking mechanism, and crafting a user-friendly experience across all digital platforms.

The scope of my work was vast, requiring a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects of blockchain technology.


Establishing a Trustworthy and Innovative Identity

Planting the seed 🌱

Welcome to Web3

Branding Seeded Network was a complex task that required balancing the cutting-edge nature of blockchain technology with the trustworthiness expected of a financial service.

The branding needed to resonate with both tech-savvy investors and traditional users, creating a bridge between the new world of decentralized finance and the established expectations of financial institutions.

The visual elements—color palette, typography, and iconography—were chosen to reflect the brand’s dual focus on security and growth.

Solana ended up being our choice for performance purposes and funding opportunities.

Market Analysis

We conducted extensive research into the branding strategies of both traditional financial institutions and leading DeFi platforms. This analysis highlighted the need for a brand that could stand out in the fast-paced crypto market while still appealing to users accustomed to the stability of conventional finance.

Visual Strategy

The brand was built around three core pillars—Innovation, Security, and Community. These pillars informed every visual decision, from the color palette, which combined bold, modern hues with traditional blues and greys, to the typography, which was chosen for its readability and professional appearance. The brand needed to be both futuristic and trustworthy, signaling to users that Seeded Network was both a pioneer and a safe choice.

Comprehensive Documentation

We developed a detailed brand guide that covered every aspect of visual and verbal identity. This included typography guidelines, color usage rules, logo placement instructions, and tone of voice recommendations. The guide was designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for anyone within the organization or partners to apply the brand consistently.

Training & Implementation

Beyond just creating guidelines, we conducted workshops with key stakeholders to ensure that everyone involved in the project understood the brand’s essence and how to apply it. This helped maintain consistency as the brand was rolled out across multiple channels.

Market Differentiation

The DeFi space is highly competitive, with numerous platforms vying for attention. The challenge was to create a brand that not only stood out but also communicated Seeded Network’s unique value proposition effectively.

Given the financial nature of the platform, it was crucial to instill trust in potential users. This required a careful balance of innovative and familiar design elements to create a brand that felt both new and reliable.


The branding efforts positioned Seeded Network as a leader in the DeFi space, successfully blending the innovative spirit of blockchain technology with the security and trust required for financial services. The cohesive visual identity helped differentiate the platform in a crowded market, leading to strong brand recognition and trust among users.


Simplifying Access to Decentralized Finance

A DeFi Protocol, with a twist


The lending and borrowing processes were designed to be as straightforward as possible, with clear instructions and intuitive interfaces guiding users through each step.

This involved creating a seamless flow from asset selection to transaction confirmation, minimizing the potential for user error.

Most part of smart contract devs were uneducated to non-EVM chains.

Back in 2021, there was only very few DeFi products powered by Solana. Working without much technical standards was very difficult.


To create an intuitive and user-friendly experience that guides users through the lending and borrowing processes with minimal friction.

Simplifying User Flows

We identified and simplified the key steps involved in lending and borrowing. This included designing user flows that minimized the number of actions required, providing users with a clear and direct path from start to finish.

Throughout the process, contextual help and tooltips were integrated to assist users, particularly those new to DeFi. These elements provided real-time explanations of complex terms and concepts, reducing the learning curve and enhancing user confidence.

Error Prevention and Recovery

Given the financial stakes, preventing user errors was critical. We implemented validation checks at every step, along with clear error messages and recovery options, ensuring that users could easily correct mistakes without losing progress.

Smart Contract Integration

I collaborated closely with the development team to ensure that the smart contracts governing the lending protocol were secure and seamlessly integrated into the user interface.

User Testing

Extensive user testing was conducted to identify potential pain points and areas for improvement. Feedback was used to refine the UX design, ensuring that the final product met the needs of both novice and experienced DeFi users.

Dynamic Data Display

Real-time data, such as current interest rates, collateral value, and available liquidity, was prominently displayed to help users make informed decisions. The interface dynamically updated as users adjusted their inputs, providing immediate feedback on how changes would impact their transactions.

Complexity of DeFi Operations

One of the primary challenges was making the complex operations of a lending protocol accessible and understandable to users. This was addressed through careful UX design and the use of clear, concise language in all interface elements.

Security Considerations

Ensuring the security of users’ assets was paramount. This involved not only robust smart contract development but also designing the interface in a way that highlighted security features and provided users with confidence in the platform.


Nurturing the Next Generation of DeFi Projects

Plant the Seed of a better Tomorrow


Seeded Network’s incubator provides crucial support to new projects, helping them to develop, launch, and grow within the DeFi ecosystem.

The incubator offers a range of services, including mentorship, technical support, and marketing resources, all designed to give projects the best possible start.

Each project in the incubator had unique challenges and requirements.

As the incubator grew, it was essential to ensure that the quality of support did not diminish.

Holder-first, easy access

The crypto lending solution is fully mobile-adaptable, with a streamlined interface that displays all necessary information clearly. Secure and perfectly optimized, it ensures a smooth and reliable user experience across all devices.

The incubator was structured with a modular approach, offering different support modules focused on various aspects of project development, such as technical support, marketing strategy, and community building. Projects could opt into the modules most relevant to their current needs.

We established a network of industry experts and successful entrepreneurs who could provide mentorship and guidance to incubated projects. This network was designed to offer both strategic advice and practical insights, helping projects navigate the challenges of the DeFi space.

Funding Mechanisms

Holding at least one Seeded Network token grants users exclusive access to private sales, allowing them to participate in early investment opportunities.

The projects incubated are carefully selected through hackathons, ensuring only the most promising ventures are offered within the Seeded Network ecosystem. This privilege allows our community members to capitalize on innovative projects from the very start.

We designed a streamlined onboarding process for the launchpad, guiding projects through the requirements and steps needed to prepare for their public launch. This process included clear milestones and checkpoints to ensure that projects were fully ready before going live.

The launchpad was integrated with various funding mechanisms, including token sales and staking options, allowing projects to raise the capital they needed to scale. We also provided support for managing these campaigns, ensuring they were successful and aligned with the project’s long-term goals.

Do you want to see more about it? Feel free to browse the file here.